Adult Sunday school

Our adult classes meet every Sunday from 10-11am.

Sunday School

Sunday School classes at Clayton are designed to provide a network of support, encouragement, and care. These groups can help you get to know others here at Clayton, provide opportunities for you to invest in the lives of those people, and offer you support and encouragement as you pursue spiritual and interpersonal goals. Some groups focus primarily on Bible study while others offer a more diverse experience that includes some combination of prayer, ministry, and fellowship.

Our Current Sunday School Schedule

Sunday School classes (Meet at 10:00am at CCC): Every Word, Smiling Saints, Ladies, Men, Homebuilders, In-Betweeners, Kingdom Workers, and

Young Adults

Please contact our main office and a staff member or pastor will help you find the right group for you.

Men's Ministry

The Men’s Ministry at Clayton is group of men made up of all ages and from all walks of life. It is our vision that we would be a group of men who accept responsibility, lead courageously, and expect God to move in big ways. Our Sunday School classes that meet weekly, and we participate in many service projects and mission trips throughout the year.

Click our calendar or contact the church office for for an up-to-date list of all our men's ministry events.

Women's Ministry

Our vision is to be a place where Jesus is transforming lives. One of the ways that happens is by providing women of all ages intentional and purposeful opportunities for encounters with God, so that we become mature and equipped Christian women who live like Jesus. We are passionate about Jesus, passionate about His Word, and passionate about women.

Click our calendar or contact the church office for for an up-to-date list of all our women's ministry events.