The Infant and Toddler (Birth - 2 yrs.) room is located in our Children's Wing. Our infant and toddlers have programs during the 11am worship service. When you drop your child off, you will be greeted by one of our wonderful children's workers and walked through the easy check-in process. After service, infants and toddlers can be picked up in the same room where they were dropped off.
The Wee-Worship Kids (3's, 4's and K) meet during the 11am service in the preschool room located in our Children's Wing. After the easy check-in process, your preschooler will experience an engaging and interactive time of teaching and worship designed just for them. After service, the Wee-Worship children can be picked up in the same room where they were dropped off.
Power Up (K-5th) is our Elementary program that takes place during the 11am service. Located in the Power-Up Room in our Children's Wing, this exciting time of teaching and worship is designed specifically for the Elementary age. Your kids will have a great time worshipping Jesus, learning from God's Word, and making new friends!